Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thinking of BLUE!! yang BLUE yg ITU yer..hahahaha...Jangan Propa..jgn Propa..

Out of sudden..after I woke up..all i think about was I wanna go out for diving again. Get myself soak into a blissful feelings of salt seawater. Hahahaha..salt water  pon can give blissful feelings ka?? Hey..try la..u never know. I miss diving very much now..been so many time try to get hook with it again but failed tremendously due so many other xtvt..Gosh I really miss those harsh feeling of carrying heavy tank at my back..jump off the boat and fighting against the current. I miss it..i miss it..Seriously.!!But most of all..I loves everything under the sea. MasyaAllah...God's 'creation is so so so beautiful. Bila time jenguk jer kt bawah laut tu.. u straightly got x cited. Semua problem hilang..How to tell haa...?  How can I explain it..there words to describe my feelings towards Allah's creation on earth. I'm indeed very gratefull to HIM for each and every second given to me... And not try to be so greedy..but deep inside my heart..I ''m praying to LORD above to give more chances to see all of HIS great creation. Amin..


Unknown said...

Hahaha..funny..tot u're thinking of that BLUE!! Kudos!Loves all your piccy gal..

Azlynn Fauzi said...

Thanks Johari !! Owhh..mesti u pikir BLUE yg lain ni kann....OooOooooo...hahah