Thursday, May 10, 2012

Arab's Dessert ; Kunnafa & Baklava

I'm missing Baitullah so much.. and the missing part comes together with all sort of tasteful arab's food plus the Shamah's Ice Cream. :)

And look what I found today..(actually not found..but I purposedly seek for it..hahaha). All are yummylicious..but caution! Extremely sweet...not a good choice for diabeticism. Betol pak cik..mak cik..bukan tak nak bagi makan..tapi manis yang teramat..(*____*). But what's for sure..ada mamat arab handsome sangat kat dlm tu..and sangat baik kerana dia telah bagi saya makan free dengan sangat banyak. Food testing yg sgt mengenyangkan. Kalo ikutkan hati..balik jer terus..sebab dh kenyang and pengidaman tu dah hilang..hahaha..tapi akhirnya...saya beli jugak dengan banyaknya..sambil2 drive sambil2 makan...Sure blood glucose melambung tinggi..tinggal sikit jer untuk ambil gambar sbb nk show off dlm blog (eee..teruk la bunyi show off tu..) Actually nak hebahkan to others about this place sebenarnya..So sapa2 yang ada rasa teringinan jugak nak makan manisan arab ni boleh la cari kat Area Ampang ni. Dekat jer ngan Ampang Point, adjacent to Pelita Nasi Kandar and HSBC. Boleh nampak HSBC's refelction kt cermin dia. Nama kedai dia Syarikat Damas.. Nanti kahwin nak bagi ni la kt my future unknown hubby as part of hantaran...hahahahhaha.. I love Baklava so much..but I love Kunnafa much much more..sebab dia cheesy and creamy.. U may go to other places yg ada Baklava yg sangat best macam kat Qasbah , Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Al-Amar at Pavillion , and there are a few lupa nama dia..i'll update as soon as i remember it.

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