Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My new skin regime

Well..just so uols know..my skin is terribly damage due to teen-ages so called hormones-attack (whatever u may wanna call it).. so now..it's not so teen-ages time..for me to deal with my damaged skin. It's not that i didnt took care of my skin..since I first got my pimple..and that was..err...when i was in form 3..my mom started giving me my skin regimes. Started with ...(erm..i cant remember it but it was a good product from US..aiyaak..tak ingat plak..) then followed by Clinique and variety more. Guessed what..after all of those trial in all of those beauty regimes..I still hooked up with Clinique's no 2 toner. That's the best toner ever for me. I love the clarifying effect. Other toner..just not so..not on my badly damaged skin.But not to talk to much..may be I can just show u what I am up to..these days..kalo nak tunjuk semua yang I dh penah guna..halamak mmg pengsan la orang nak menengok nya..

I'm forced to used this money-killer product due to my badly damaged skin..kalo uols nye skin chanteq gebu..tok sah duk susah2 bazirkan duit beli ni..hehehe...actually i bought this just because am trying to avoid myself from doing tht laser thingy..Ouch!!

And this is their core-product that so called Miracle broth..harap-harap jadi lah yer..But i didnt just splurge myself myself and my money on it..i did several research on this thing and plus several uninvited 'hasutan' from my elder sister who really using the whole range of the product. And she really confide me with the result..well..we'll see..

According to Ms J, I really 100x need to use this one due to having tht spot patch on my forehead..owh i forgot to tell ya..yang kt atas tu Creme De la Mer..that one specifically to tone down my pimple scars on my cheeks...plus it can tone down the chicken pot's scasr jugak. This one plak..Whitening Essence..which is to reduce the melanin produce on my forehead..

And this one..the radiance infussion..owh there's another one i forgot..it's their face scrub..i love that one..really smothen my skin. Plus a few more which i x larat nak upload..nnti later kay. And here u may see how bad my skin is..kita tengok nnti how miracle this skin product can really cure my badly damaged skin ni..or else..am just another looser yang terpengaruh dengan 'wind news'..ehehe

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