Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Well..Guessed it's not too late to wish everybody Happy Year right? Alaa...still lagi dalam bulan Jan..so I tak la rasa malu sgt. Plus..I'm amazed that i can start my blog early of the year..not like years before..tengah2 bulan baru teringat nak ber belog.

So..I wish each and everyone to have a blast full year and ahead with new resolution and new u. Let''s leave behind all those sadness and failure-ness (saje nak kasi ade rhyme skit). We're now stepping towards another new decade. Hopefully..in 2012..takde la benda2 macam dalam movie 2012 tu menjadi yer. We hope n pray for best..

And as for me..I''m now changing my direction onto something new..for a better life and a better ones..

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