Kudos to Hanis Haizi .... a bunch of Congratulations and thank you for the seminar. She did it so well..everything was excellent including the foods. :) .Besides of poncho2..yes of course the speakers for the day really hit me with some sort of special spirit..some kind of injection ..to push me forward. I remember a phrase said by CDM Pn Siti Rohana "Leparkan cita-cita anda setinggi awan..bukan setinggi gunung..kerana..jikalau ianya jatuh..ia akan berada di puncak gunung..tetapi jika hanya melemparkan setinggi gunung..pabila jatuh..is bersepai di bumi..."something mcm tu la lebih kurang..I didnt write it on..everything i masuk terus dlm kepala jer..cewwahh..mcm terrer sgt kan..hahaha..kidding. But it really mmakes sense..kan?? Kalo boleh I want to '' lemparkan setinggi langit or ke ouncak bintang"... wah over lak..kan.Well No harm dreaming..as long as u know how to make it real.
I never join any seminar like this before in life..all this while I was more into seminars tht related to my job..Boring huh? Hahhahaha..well..as I said..am trying to change my life now..I'll do whatever it takes to do a MAKE-OVER-ME.. by myself. I feel less fun compare as before. I used to be so crazy..unpredictable..risk taker..but since am hook with my job..and stuck in some office political thingy..I'm kinda changed a bit. Low self esteem..always look down on myself. And I feel so drowned in this situation..I hate myself..i need to get out..Think of something new..get more money..assets..and have lots of fun!!! yeah F.U.N...
With CDM Hanis Haizi during Seminar Sm & SSM for Premium Beautiful Corset..isnt she lovely?? |
With Honorable guest @ Speaker.. CDM Pn Siti Rohana..am so proud of her achievement.. |
With all participant..Way to go UOLS!! |
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