Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pay your parking even it is ticket-less parking site..Lesson Learned!!

Gosh ..this is so funny and I cant even wait to post something about it. I was being too lazy to write while I actually got so many things to say..but mann..this is so hilarious and urging me to put this post up.

We've been holding our GDO for quite sometimes due to our occupancies. and last two days, we finally got time to hooked up..and we crazilly spending time from mall to mall for so many things that we need to find..actually that was just a reason to just hook up for a whole day long. So we can tell more stories.

Nasi Istimewa Ben's @KLCC
Bijou Cupcakes

We were..eating and drinking like almost everywere...from Ben's KLCC to Dome to One Utama to Jalan Tar to headhunt for fabric *Rizalman's polkodot fabric*..hahaha.

 Well...before we head back, we stopped at Kg Baru Nasi Lemak for our dinner. And there  were 2 parking guys who are so-called assissting us to park our car. Since we can easilly get the parking and we thought, it's not because of who helped us, so we just ignored them. We are ignorance like that..hahaha..(Actually i always pay them no matter where I go..just for a courtesy ..tak kisah seringgit pon..they'll appreciate it)..

and then ..when we were about to go back..we did it again..try to ignore them so that they wont ask us money. But yeah..they didnt..I even heard he said....terrrimmaaa kasiiihhhh..*a very long one*..but then we started to smell something fishy when one of my friend told that she saw tht guy point his finger to our car. We thought he scratched the door or flat out the tyre..we did stopped and check..but..pheewww...nothing happened man.

Then..the next day..guessed what my friend (the car owner) told me...huahuahuahuahuahua.....believes me am so sympathy but this is so funny that tickled me to death..I laughed..and laughed....and she be damn mad at me..guessed what happened..


She found that word written on her car ..her front bonnet.  Goshhh..we never thought to check the front part. But am glad we didnt coz if we did..we may end up fighting with tht guy. he wrote p*Ki..ok..and she realized it only after she washed her car at carwash centre. Poor my darling she's struggling herself on how to hide that filty word (with a permanent marker) heee..better than her first idea of using water's just for a time being..before she can hand off this car for her new one. Nasib ada keta baru..or else..forever la dgn kereta ber P*ki ni..huhuhu...I wonder who will be his next owner..hahahahahaaha...

I told my friend to keep this picture so she got something to tell to her kids soon..whenever they lazy to pay for their parking tickets..dont mess around man..u never know what's coming..hahahahha..I ll super duper xtra careful with parking guy next time..

Sekian my story for now..wassalam..

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