Pheww... this was so real. I've felt a few mild tremors before but nothing like this one that happened this morning. It was at 7.15 a.m when I was in my dressing room and about to prepare my working attire. Suddenly the floor shuddered and started to shake harder. I was like...what the hell is this? Oh no...this is an earthquake!! I was stucked on the floor not knowing what should I do....Should I run out or should I lay down on the floor or hide in the closet or bathtub?? ( Bath tub ???? but I have no bath tub..why in the world I think of stupid la..such a drama ..hahahhaa..pengaruh movie btol). But it was a real scarry one..
Then I went to my bedroom ( which is a connecting room to my dressing room)..and started screaming to my husband who was still in disbelief.. yer a drama lady one..sometimes he need time to digest things that I said before jump into any conclusion or making any move..( he's a cool type of person..which makes me want to scream more..urgghh). Then when he saw am running out to tell my mom and dad..then he realized it was real. That time the ground shaking even harder..everything started to make a sound as if it's going to cracked and I was thinking that the building is going down.
After 5-7 seconds..the tremors stopped and I saw almost everyone are out of their resident. Except us.. Why? because..we were busy packing things..hahahaha..I didn't wear a proper clothes to go out. Still in my sleeping attire..which is quite sexy. The only thing in my mind was to safe my handbag and my macbook because all my thesis are in there. And my hubby was still in disbelief..checking his phone and checking out people outside. My mom pulak busy packing her handbag and all her and my dad's meds. By the time we open the door to get out of our house..the tremors stopped. And we decided to stay in. With confident..I confide my mom that '' there's nothing worries..mesti ada earthquake somewhere ni..that's why kita pun rasa...'' But still tak senang duduk..whatsapp group from my Uni flood in...everyone updated their earthquake momment..and I did the same in my FB...
then terus pegi go to work...
Sambil2 mandi ..boleh buat lawak dengan hubby.. on what I felt during that moment..I have no prove of the earthquake periuk belanga cermin pecah or almari tumbang..all I have was.. lipsticks yang berteraburan ..fell of my lipstick rack.. I even told my hubby about my imaginary hiding place that I had in mind..he laughed at me out loud..said I am such a drama queen..
Tapi..when I received more and more of the really broke my heart. So sad to know about what happened to others in Ranau and Kundasang where the center of the earth quake strike. Even more ironically, when I 've seen the Donkey Ear's Peak broken and chipped off. Now our moutain left with one ear. Really broke my heart and all sabahan coz we love Kinabalu so much. Some said it could be because, the mountain got angry from the un ethical act of those moron visitors who got naked and pee on that mountain. Or it could be just a coincident. I just hope that there'
ll be no injury or mortality involved. Because 6.0 magnitude scale is quite can easily ripped anything off the ground too..

This is the picture i took from news today..have a look at the before and after...sobs..
Then I went to my bedroom ( which is a connecting room to my dressing room)..and started screaming to my husband who was still in disbelief.. yer a drama lady one..sometimes he need time to digest things that I said before jump into any conclusion or making any move..( he's a cool type of person..which makes me want to scream more..urgghh). Then when he saw am running out to tell my mom and dad..then he realized it was real. That time the ground shaking even harder..everything started to make a sound as if it's going to cracked and I was thinking that the building is going down.
After 5-7 seconds..the tremors stopped and I saw almost everyone are out of their resident. Except us.. Why? because..we were busy packing things..hahahaha..I didn't wear a proper clothes to go out. Still in my sleeping attire..which is quite sexy. The only thing in my mind was to safe my handbag and my macbook because all my thesis are in there. And my hubby was still in disbelief..checking his phone and checking out people outside. My mom pulak busy packing her handbag and all her and my dad's meds. By the time we open the door to get out of our house..the tremors stopped. And we decided to stay in. With confident..I confide my mom that '' there's nothing worries..mesti ada earthquake somewhere ni..that's why kita pun rasa...'' But still tak senang duduk..whatsapp group from my Uni flood in...everyone updated their earthquake momment..and I did the same in my FB...
then terus pegi go to work...
Sambil2 mandi ..boleh buat lawak dengan hubby.. on what I felt during that moment..I have no prove of the earthquake periuk belanga cermin pecah or almari tumbang..all I have was.. lipsticks yang berteraburan ..fell of my lipstick rack.. I even told my hubby about my imaginary hiding place that I had in mind..he laughed at me out loud..said I am such a drama queen..
Tapi..when I received more and more of the really broke my heart. So sad to know about what happened to others in Ranau and Kundasang where the center of the earth quake strike. Even more ironically, when I 've seen the Donkey Ear's Peak broken and chipped off. Now our moutain left with one ear. Really broke my heart and all sabahan coz we love Kinabalu so much. Some said it could be because, the mountain got angry from the un ethical act of those moron visitors who got naked and pee on that mountain. Or it could be just a coincident. I just hope that there'
ll be no injury or mortality involved. Because 6.0 magnitude scale is quite can easily ripped anything off the ground too..
This is the picture i took from news today..have a look at the before and after...sobs..
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