The truth behind this picture; On the second day of raya..we realized that we dont have the salam raya picture between us...my husband blamed me because i spent so much time on my make-up..which was a lil bit true on tht.. so when we arrived at Kota Bharu ..we re-action and re-take the picture..it may not be the nice one but this is the picture yg plg ikhlas tht i have for the salam one....penat nk berlakon..nk salam lg..nk control cover lemak lg..tukar angle sana sini smpai pnat photographer...hahahaa ..
Selamat Hari Raya Everyone..maaf zahir batin..
Walau sejahat mana pun manusia..sekiranya dia memohon ampun dan taubat..tetap Allah ampunkan..inikan pula sesama manusia..
Kalau setakat benda kecil-kecil tu tak payah nak diperbesar-besarkan. But I do understand the term..can forgive but never forget sebab I pun susah nak lupakan kalau orang dah buat kita macam2...but stil I will forgive them. Hopefully people wll forgive me the same way too..
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